
Lamotta: The Bronx Bull has it's L.A. premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theater. Here, director Martin Guigui and I celebrate the event at the red carpet in this venerable venue.

On the set of And There Was Light, as Captain Huston with Writer/Director Dillon Toole and 1st AD Eliza Connelly. A great script and a wonderful cast and crew. Thanks to Dillon for having me aboard!

As the head chef in Gets Good Light, directed by Alejandra Parody, here with Cedric Leiba Jr. as Manny. This is currently on the festival circuit, with subject matter torn from today's headlines.

A Fireside Chat with Theodore Roosevelt--TR is back, and all fired up. Adapted with a twist for today from the speeches of Teddy Roosevelt and the play, Bully! by Jerome Alden. Click on the image to go to the YouTube video.

Between setups on the set of The Family Album, as the EMT Chief with Jesse Koehler and Mark Shock, directed by Anthony Chapman. A great bunch to work with.

On the set of Lamotta: the Bronx Bull at wrap time with Paul Sorvino--click on the image to the right to see excerpts featured in the newest version of my Theatrical Reel!

Check out this bit of fun from Saturday Night Live, with Tracy Morgan, Kate McKinnon, Kyle Mooney, Vanessa Bayer, and me. This was a riot to shoot. Just click on the image to go to the YouTube video.